Saturday, February 3, 2007

Lessons in Life become Lessons in Leadership

Have you ever just blown up - lost it - blown a gasket - flipped your lid? I think we all have and if you answered yes, the greatest comfort I can offer you is that you are not alone.

It has been a while since I have done it, but boy when I do, it comes with fireworks, sparklers and big ole texas sized gestures (not that kind - come on now!). In the moment, it seems wholly appropriate and then later it seems silly and then even later it can seem embarrassing, but that whole in the moment thing is what I have learned is a lesson in life.

As I had an experience this week that could so easily have provoked a lid flipping response, I was able to pause and think before reacting. I was able to strategically think what would be the most effective response, not the most explosive. Now, this lack of pause is often relegated to those of my particular personality preference, but there isn't one of us who has never said anything before thinking. In this case it was particularly enlightening to watch myself make the choice as a year ago, this would not have happened. In the last year, I have taken the CORE profile that we now use in our business and that changed the abilities I have to control my own behavior. I thought I had control, but there were times when well, others would not have believed that to be the case.

What would it do to your leadership, your life and your self esteem to gather the ultimate skill of truly thinking before you speak and being able to control your own behavior? Powerful stuff and I had spent thousands on self help books and seminars before I discovered the simple steps. Everyone tries to make it so complicated. I wish for you an easier road.

If you want to check out the CORE tool, either call us or go straight to my website at

Til next time!

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