Thursday, August 30, 2007

Can you really have balance?

Many times members of an audience will ask me how I do all that I do? Do you feel balanced? Clients will ask me to come in and teach employees how to have balance and the truth is that balance is extremely difficult to achieve, if even possible at all.

I like the way Robin Fisher Roffer described it in her book: Make a Name For Yourself
"I don't try to balance work and family. I never have. In my life they are all mixed up. I don't shut it off when I close the door to my office and walk aroudn the corner to my house. I bring it inside and let it pull up a chair. My husband and I talk about it over dinner. It would seem weird to me to drop it at the door, and my family would feel left out if I didn't share this incredibly important aspect of my life with them."

So for all of you who attempt to achieve balance, there may be some hope. Stop trying to give everything equal time exclusively. Find ways to involve each in the other parts of your life... your whole life and recognize that some weeks work will take more time. Some times life will take more time. Maybe the key is to be balanced in our intense desire to achieve perfect balance.

Until we have the honor of meeting in person...