Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Contagious Leadership is important when the money runs out

What does a Contagious Leader do when the money runs out in the business? Last night on the news, we heard of one company that owns the chain Bennigan's and Steak and Ale (or at least a number of them in the nation) closing almost all of the existing locations of these popular restaurants. For a moment I was a bit sad, as I can still remember when Steak and Ale opened in the city I grew up in, Waco,Tx. It was a big deal and where you went when you wanted to go someplace "fancy".

Then I thought of how I would have responded to employees who asked "Are our jobs secure?" How would a Contagious Leader respond? Truth is, I've been there both as a middle manager and an executive, being asked that very question. Sometimes in a corporation of that size, you as a middle manager know what is going on and at other times you are just as much in the dark as the employees. The key is to be as honest as you can and even if you have to day "You know, I am not sure if your job is secure. I think it is, but something tells me it might not be. So if you need to make plans or need my help, let's talk. If not, let's see if we can get through this together."

Contagious Leaders work with employees and treat them as people. People deserve the truth and they deserve the utmost of your respect, as well as you deserve it from them. Thus when the money runs out, tell 'em how it is and tell 'em what you can. That does mean you simply say "All is well and things are good." particularly when you know they are not. Shooting straight will serve you much better.

Stay Contagious,

Friday, July 25, 2008

Contagious Leaders... can be women too!

Check it out, there's a new book in the works and it's all about women as leaders and the effect it has on others.

Not only are these women leaders... these are contagious women.
Not only are these women leaders, they are what we call Commanders in the CORE Profile.
(check out coaching programs, then click CORE)
Not only are these women leaders, they are the ones wearing the heels.

Get the idea....? Well... there's more..

Tell me what you think about the title of my 4th book:
Contagious Commander in Heels

In addition, tell me what you think about the subtitles...

Our Love Affair with Achievement and How it Rubs Off on Others and Can Hurt our Image, but Doesn't Have to.

How to Keep Your Achievement Affair from Rubbing Off on Others and Ruining Your Relationships

Looking forward to your feedback. ALL comments will be read!
Stay Contagious!

Leading in Times Like These

What is the difference between good times and these times? There are a couple of things, but the key question is do you lead differently during tough times than you lead during great times? The short answer is "no", but there's more.

When I have led teams through muliple mergers, budget crunches and hiring freezes, the stress gets high and the emotions run wild, but the reality is that those you lead are still looking to you for leadership, guidance, motivation and understanding. Keep in mind leadership doesn't mean you doing all the work, it means you developing those you have the privilege of leading.

Tough times are not an excuse to stop leading or to stop leading well, they are merely a reason for you to improve your skills that much more and keep on truckin'. (er, I mean leading)

Stay Contagious!