Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday Moment works on Tuesday, too!
Sign up for your own at http:www.monicawofford.com
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What Does Leadership Take?
Leadership takes a LOT of things, to be sure and we are covering all the bases in a quick, humorous, and lighthearted, yet poignant manner. We're having fun with it. Afterall, leadership is fun and doesn't have to be all drudgery. One of the things I have often said, is that if you can't have fun, go home. Maybe that's a little direct.
Here is a sneak preview of the tweets that are set to go this week. Follow us on Twitter at #monicawofford (and here's a good giggle for you: I have decided that one who tweets is called a twit! work with me here!)
What Does Leadership Take?
Taking yourself less seriously than the budget and more seriously than rampant workplace gossip.
What Does Leadership Take?
Getting over yourself fast enough to act as if you never lost your composure so well that no one noticed you actually did!
What Does Leadership Take?
Keeping your emotions in check until such time that it appropriate to let them out to play so that people still know your are human, but associate "professional" with your name.
What Does Leadership Take?
Knowing that those who suffer from the "something shiny syndrome" can't help it and are smarter than they... ooooh, a chicken... appear.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Blog title...
We'll see you at the Contagious Confidence Conf. on 10.22.09
Get your very own at www.monicawofford.com
Sunday, August 30, 2009
What Does Leadership Take?
Tracy’s great at keeping all the balls up in the air! It was impressive, but occasionally one dropped and it was usually at the most inopportune time possible. She tried to keep all areas of her life balanced all the time, but now it seemed when she was doing well at work, the home life suffered and vice versa.
It’s a common problem. We make sure to balance those things for which there are structured consequences for dropping balls. (i.e. failing at work can get you fired) In the other areas of our life, where we may not have a name tag or title, but are still the leader, we see less urgency in figuring out how to balance. There are no structured consequences usually in our life and our kids aren’t going to fire us.
Further, at work, the “balance” asked of those with a leadership title is based on timelines. It’s the battle waged between the urgent and the important. Yet, when we focus on the urgent, there is little time for the important and when that happens, we develop guilt over not balancing the important which makes us lax and less attentive to the stuff at work which creates dropped balls there. See a pattern? Here are a few ways to lead both parts of your world, find balance and earn the titles you’re really looking for like “Good Person”, “#1 Mom” and more.
Develop Your Patience
The need for instant gratification will get you into trouble. Remember everything has a season, peaks and valleys go together, good days and bad days are a nice balance and that your time frame will not look like everyone else’s.
Be Nice to Yourself
We spend too much time “shoulding” all over ourselves and not enough time giving ourselves credit for the 4 million things we did. Instead, we focus on the one that we forgot. Either improve your memory or simply give yourself a break.
Clarify the Urgent VS the Important for You
Figure out if something is important to you or someone else, or just urgent, period.
You can do this! But, if you are expecting perfection all the time, in all areas… well, that’s another article.
About the Author
Monica Wofford, CSP founded The Contagious Confidence™ Conference for Women, in 2007. She can be reached at www.contaigousconferences.com or (866) 382-0121
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Leading in Times Like These
There are a couple of things, but the key question is do you lead differently during tough times than you lead during great times? The short answer is "no", but there's more.
When I have led teams through muliple mergers, budget crunches and hiring freezes, the stress gets high and the emotions run wild, but the reality is that those you lead are still looking to you for leadership, guidance, motivation and understanding.
Keep in mind leadership doesn't mean you doing all the work, it means you are developing those you have the privilege of leading.Tough times are not an excuse to stop leading or to stop leading well, they are merely a reason for you to improve your skills that much more and keep on truckin'. (er, I mean leading) That may also mean that what becomes most important in "tough times" is your skill level, your persistance, your ability to avoid taking stressed out reactions personally, and your drive to push through it until the "times" improve.
Stay Contagious!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Leaders: When Times are Tough
1. Take things professionally, not personally
Not everything is a personal affront and when times get tough, we tend to be a bit more sensitive to taking things personally from others. Look at someone's stressful reaction, consider your own stress level and then consciously make a decision about how you are going to react. Taking things personally is a reaction, not a conscious decision. Leaders make conscious decision.
2. Remember the power of your words
What you say carries more weight than you might think and a few of the words that carry the most weight are: but, however, and why. But and However tend to negate all the words that come before them. Think of "I love you, but... ". How does that sound? Why, on the other hand, is one of the most defensive mood creating words you could use. Try instead saying things like "help me understand" or "can you share some of your reasoning with me" are better at getting the information you seek. Why will bring you a reaction that gives the recipient a reason to think you are questioning their judgment.
3. Act as if “You’re cool!”
In our Contagious Conferences we use a phrase that helps you remember you are good enough and worth it. That phrase is: "I'm cool!" and you are! And if you don't believe it right now, try believing it just for now and see if you can make it stick. Sometimes acting as if will help to propel the real emotion. Next step is to stand in front of a mirror and say "I'm Cool!" to yourself. You will, if nothing else, laugh your way into a better mood. :)
4. Don’t let stress strangle your talent
Stress creates reactions that you don't need and stress is all perceived. We see something and we think it is stressful and then feel the affects of stress. Let me repeat, we see, THINK, and then feel. One does not feel stress and then decide why you feel that way. So, change the way you think about things and the stress will dissipate. yes, it really is that simple.
5. Escape need for balance
I wrote an article for Orlando Woman Newspaper not long ago, about balance. I assigned the concept of balance to a scale and unless you are one, it flat out does not apply. Balance is an unrealistic concept as you will always be off balance in how you spend your energies, your time, and your efforts. Now, as Dan Thurmon says, there is a big difference between being off - balance, and OUT OF BALANCE. Either, stop looking for balance and seek fulfillment.
Contagious Leaders develop the skills to do the above actions in a way that looks instinctive or natural, but the truth is we all can develop these skills and your work in this direction could begin... well... now.
Stay contagious!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Delegation and Follow Through
Here is what delegation normally sounds like...
"giving to others all that junk that we normally don't like to do." Yuck!
Instead, here is what delegation REALLY is...
"giving others an opportunity to learn a skill that they did not already have."
If you approach the concept of delegation in this second manner, you are far more likely to see the things you delegate getting done when you want them to, in the manner that you've asked, and on time.
To further secure those things that you delegate, try these steps:
1. give as many details as possible
2. share your specific expectations as to the final outcome (assume nothing!)
3. provide a reasonable deadline for completion
4. make one or two (at most) follow up calls, visits, or emails depending on distance from deadline, to ensure project or task progress
5. Reassure person that you are available for questions along the way
Stay Contagious and Happy Delegating!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Stay Contagious!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Seth Godin's view of Leadership
He actually talks about you being able to be a leader of anything about which you have passion. He also goes on to say that with the new tools available in social media, you can be a leader of a tribe that is equally passionate about your specialty, hobby, product or service. Are you leading a tribe? Are you aware of all the tribes out there?
Now, what are the tools to find your tribe? Well, there are many:
Squidoo (founded by Seth Godin)
Linked In
and many more...
And finally, Mr. Godin describes the difference between management and leadership...
"Management is about manipulating resources to get a known job done.
Leadership, on the other hand, is about creating changes that you believe in."
My hats off to you Seth Godin.. sounds like a description much like the one we use in Contagious Leadership.. thank you for being a great leader!
Stay Contagious,
Monday, March 30, 2009
Do you need someone who thinks "Out of the box?"
Leaders often look for employees who utilize out of the box thinking and when you apply that concept to this cartoon - it's good for a great chuckle.
Are you a Contagious Leader who is looking for a unique,
out of the box thinker? Are you hiring for attitude and
teaching skill or are you looking at skills, hoping to change and instill a great attitude. Let me recommend the first as a better
Determine whether you need a follower on the team who
will stay in the box, follow directions, and fulfill the needs you outline OR if you need a leader who will toss out the box, make a new one, reshape it, or build a better mousetrap.
Oh, and as a cat owner, the whole out of the box thing... totally different connotation. Made the laughs even better. Have a contagious... out of the box... kind of day!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Leadership Training - Art Form?
It does seem that leadership training and the act of leadership, contagious or otherwise, is an an art form. In fact, Max Dupree wrote The Art of Leadership some time ago. Yet there are also specific skills that can be scientifically developed and trained and that go beyond the "gray area" soemtimes seen in an art form.
There is the science behind learning how to communicate with others. There is the science of learning how to appropriate recognize and how to discipline, as well as coach. And of course, there is also the science, if you will, of learning how to maintain your sense of humor, even when things get stressful.
Maybe leadership is an art, but when we make it all about an art, it leaves far too much to the imagination and less to responsibility for learning the process and the skills that are also required.
Best of success of your Contagious Leadership journey!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Leaders Learning What Sells: Spirituality has trumped Sex
Leaders, whether of a business, an industry, or even the voices in your head...ha!... often want to know how to sell an idea or product. Selling is a primary revenue driver and there's new news on the horizon. In the ad and media world, sex has been trumped as the primary sales vehicle by... spirituality.
Now, let's be clear - selling sex can be a dicey topic, but it comes out in things like image, the models you choose for an ad, and person you send in to close the deal for your next big client. It isn't all tawdry and for years it has been the reality of what "sells" stuff the most. Studies are now showing and experts are clear that spirituality has more selling power.
Check out these resources to see how "getting more out of life" and "finding your purpose", as well as "feeling fulfilled" via religion or other spiritual sources is becoming a major selling point:
There are many ways one could look at the shift, but a key question that this change in trends brings about is how are you selling your ideas to those you lead and those you serve. Contagious Leaders already focus on the people they lead, but now maybe it's time to incorporate more focus how those people feel. Are they connected, feeling fulfilled, and clear on their purpose?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Brain Drain... will there still be one?
How can we rely on this mass exodus, when the vast majority of financial portfolios of those who were going to retire are down as much as 85%? Are they really going to retire? Will we still have an exodus of people and knowledge or will the next problem actually be how are we going to employ all of these people?
Maybe we will need some new contagious creativity on solving what seems to have become to new challenge of our decade... and it has only begun to be the new problem in the last six months! What is buzzing now as the hot topic that may no longer be even relevant in six months?
Stay contagious!
Have you Heard: "I'm Not Participating in the Recession... "
I've even said it a time or two and though the essence of the statement, when I said it, was true, there is more to the story and Contagious Leaders know that. Here is the rest of the story...
There is a recession going on. Period. That is our reality and for many it is really, really, challenging heart breaking, and difficult. Those of us in the "positive, empowerment" or even "motivational speaking" industries need to know this and many of do. BUT, the difference is recognizing reality DOES NOT require getting sucked into the vortex of fear. In the face of fear and ambiguity, many people freeze. They don't know which end is up or where to go or what to do. That is an even scarier reality. When times are challenging and difficult is when you as the leader of your life, have to be even more diligent in making good decisions, taking good action, and consistently working toward a solution. Freezing provides no solutions and no feedback.
So, if you have heard and/or are saying "I choose not to participate in the recession." that's great, but here's a news flash, you're in it. Now you get to choose whether or not you going to appear dangerously naive or whether you are going to face your fear and do what you need to do anyway. Contagious Leaders choose to participate in reality, while looking fear dead in the eye and saying "Thanks for sharing, but I've got work to do!"
Stay Contagious!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Leading in Tough Times
Give Yourself a Break - stress will slow down your productivity and it is human nature to freeze in the face of ambiguity. If that's where you are, it's normal. Not helpful, but normal.
Get Serious - the whole world is not going to end, the earth will not cease to spin or anything other extreme that you may be saying to yourself. You can what -if and worry yourself to death or you can get seriously focused on what you can do versus what you might have to do.
Get Out of Your Own Way - Contagious Leaders manage themselves well. In fact, you really have no business managing or leading others if you cannot first lead yourself. Are you doing that? Or are you letting everything other than what you should be doing, get in your way of doing what needs to be done for your office, your business or your life. Stop getting in your own way and get out there and get after it. (that's a lot of gets, heh! You get the idea.)
Stay Contagious and know that tough times allow us to appreicate when the living is easy...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Is Training REALLY Compared to Prison?
When training is mandatory or not needed, many of the participants will see it as one of three things:
- like being forced to stay in "prison" or "time out"
- like a vacation or time to party
- paid time off from the job they would be doing if they weren't in training
You could be sending employees to prison or a vacation day if you're not careful. But, there are ways to avoid it. Make sure you are sending people to training who actually need knowledge and skill. If they have merely forgotten how to do something or are choosing not to do it for reasons other than a lack of skill, training is not the solution. Get to the root of the problem instead.
When you do conduct training, make sure that the content or curriculum transfers actual knowledge and skill, instead of just fun and games. effective training has a point and purpose built in to each activity. If people are scratching their head as to what the purpose is, then you may be creating a fun day, but no substantial skill transfer.
Finally, I have never been a big fan of Mandatory training. Though there is a need for it at times, overusing the "mandatory" edict can create massive barriers to learning that leave your trainer stuck in the first half hour of a training session. It is better to provide learners with an incentive to attend instead of a "because I said so" order to attend. The more you mandate, the more learners in a training class might begin to see bars on the training room windows.
Until next time...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Does your office need an attitude adjustment?
- less tolerance of things that you used to "let go" or ignore
- more complaining
- increased resistance to doing less than satisfying activities
- slower efforts toward any goal or project
- reduced behaviors that used to be common place (i.e. follow through, attention to detail, etc)
If you or those in your office are expriencing these things, then it may be time for an attitude adjustment. And, oh by the way, just ignoring those things mentioned above will not make them go away. In fact, usually, it sends the message that the new behavior is okay. This translates into unwritten permission, unspoken encouragement, development of a new habit, and most of all, DIFFICUTLY in addressing it at a later date. If you wait to adjust the attitudes, you might hear "well, why didn't you tell me month's ago? Why wait until now?"
Attitude adjustments can take many forms - but first consider the difficulty inherent to addressing attitude. It is treachorous and only for the most well developed Contagious Leader. (refer to our January 1st edition newsletter Contagious Commentary - http://www.monicawofford.com/About_N.html) These steps will help you have an advantagious discussion about a needed attitude adjustment:
1. ask what is getting in their way of doing differently than what you are seeing
2. ask what they are thinking or feeling about what is going on (watch your tone)
3. ask what they might be afraid of or worrying about
4. assuage those fears or worries if you can
5. if you are unable to do step 4, address what the consequences and REWARDS will be for a continuation of the behaviors and attitudes you are seeing.
6. If the above don't seem to work or make a difference, begin to closely observe the performance of those sharing their attitude with you and address performance in a separate conversation when you have enough clear, factual, and quantitative data.
You can encourage an attitude adjustment and as a leader, that is part of your role. However, keep in mind that forcing an attitude adjustment is flat out, not gonna happen. You can't change people, but as contagious leader, you CAN influence them. Maybe the best time to begin that is first thing tomorrow. You can do this.
Stay Contagious,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Is Entry Level Too Small a Role?
Part of the challenge Contagious Leaders face is finding the right folks to fill entry level positions. Now, however, the challenge is shifting with finding people who are not overqualified for an entry level position. But also, and perhaps more importantly, it is finding those who will bring a great attitude and work ethic to a position that might be seen by the applicant as "beneath his or her abilities".
What happened to starting somewhere, doing that job to the absolute best of your ability, and working your way up in the organization. This used to be an expected practice. But now, it seems so many want to start out as management, when they really aren't sure how to do management, much less leadership. There is no shame in beginning at the beginning.
Entry level is not too small, it is the beginning. And it will likely give you a bird's eye view of the rest of the organization in ways that you might not be able to explore from the executive suite. If you are a contagious leader, hiring an entry level position, keep this in mind. You are hiring the future leaders of your organization. If you are going into an entry level position, contagiously lead yourself and your own attitude. This is a role that could be a launching pad, a springboard, and certainly ripe with learning opportunities and possibilities.
Stay Contagious!
Is Entry Level too small a role?
Part of the challenge Contagious Leaders face is finding the right folks to fill entry level positions. Now, however, the challenge is shifting with finding people who are not overqualified for an entry level position. But also, and perhaps more importantly, it is finding those who will bring a great attitude and work ethic to a position that might be seen by the applicant as "beneath his or her abilities".
What happened to starting somewhere, doing that job to the absolute best of your ability, and working your way up in the organization. This used to be an expected practice. But now, it seems so many want to start out as management, when they really aren't sure how to do management, much less leadership. There is no shame in beginning at the beginning.
Entry level is not too small, it is the beginning. And it will likely give you a bird's eye view of the rest of the organization in ways that you might not be able to explore from the executive suite. If you are a contagious leader, hiring an entry level position, keep this in mind. You are hiring the future leaders of your organization. If you are going into an entry level position, contagiously lead yourself and your own attitude. This is a role that could be a launching pad, a springboard, and certainly ripe with learning opportunities and possibilities.
Stay Contagious!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Doing too much?
Contagious Leaders delegate well and often:
If you are doing too much - just flat out staying busy, instead of being truly productive and purposeful - you may find that you are missing opportunities. (that is, provided you stand still long enough to be able to notice what you are missing) When you, as a Contagious Leader, delegate tasks and projects, and take the time to explain:
- the importance of the project
- the details in a way that the person to whom you are delegating understands
- the timeline of completion or milestones
then you are truly helping someone else grow, while taking something off of YOUR list, but ALSO getting more done by sharing the work and employing the efforts, talents, and skills of others.
Contagious Leaders who try to do it all, all the same time, and all by themselves, they limit their own success by the mere number of hours in the day and your own physical efforts. There is a lot we can do in a little time, truly, but the constant running, buzzing, and stressed out craze of being busy will diminsh your productivity, make you work slower, and in effect, force you to get less done.
As I reflected on this year of doing alot (as I would likely really say it was a LOT or rather not enough, instead of too much), it occurs to me that although I did a lot, there are some questions that are begging to be asked:
- Did I do the right things?
- Did I do them at the right time?
- Was I just busy all the time or was I acheiving those things that mattered most?
- Am I happy with where I am at the end of the year of "doing so much"?
As a Contagious Leader, step back and reflect on your own answers to these questions. And before you jump into the 4 billion emails tomorrow, the pile of voicemails, and the stuff you tossed in a box before you left for the holidays... consider this: what is your strategy for 2009. This may be a more important question to ask, instead of 'what's next on my "to-do" list'?
Stay Contagious!